Jesus, the Essenes, and the Link to India
In The Angel Scroll, Claire Lucas dreams of a Christlike figure in Vanarsi, India. Did the historical Jesus Christ ever travel to India and why?
What Was the Essene Sect?
To begin to answer why historians posit that Jesus traveled to India, it is necessary to understand Jesus’ association with the Essene sect. During the time of Jesus of Nazareth, Judaism was divided into two major sects: the Pharisees and the Sadducees. The Pharisees focused on strict adherence to the Mosaic Law, ritual worship, and theology, similar to today's Orthodox Judaism. The Sadducees were less concerned with these aspects and leaned towards agnosticism, akin to today's Reformed Judaism.
A third sect, the Essenes, existed on the fringes of Judaism. Known as "the Outsiders" (Essene being the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew Chitsonim), they were distinct and often incompatible with mainstream Jewish life. Whether the name "Essene" was self-chosen or given by the Pharisees and Sadducees is unclear, but their separation from the usual Jewish practices was evident. It is widely believed that Jesus was an Essene, which is where possible ties to India come in. Through Moses, Judaism is linked to The Egyptian Mysteries, which in turn are tied to Sanatana Dharma from India, and these influenced the Essenes, who maintained contact with India. This connection is supported by Jewish mystical texts like the Zohar. Moses, although a potential heir to Egyptian religious leadership, couldn't become Pharaoh due to his adopted status. Beyond this, there also exists the belief that Jesus Himself traveled to India before beginning His ministry. The Gospels tell little of Jesus between His visit to the temple at age 12 and when He began His ministry at age 30.
How the Indian Religion Influenced the Essenes
The Essenes adopted several practices from Indian religion, such as strict non-violence, vegetarianism, and rejection of animal sacrifices. They believed sacrifices were symbolic and used effigies made from non-animal substances. They also had unique religious customs, including:
Wearing only linen and avoiding animal products.
Interpreting scriptures spiritually and symbolically.
Maintaining celibacy and valuing both genders equally.
Believing in reincarnation and karma.
Viewing the sun as a divine symbol and practicing sun worship.
Using astrology, herbalism, and theurgy.
These practices set the Essenes apart from mainstream Judaism, leading them to live separately. Their lifestyle and beliefs significantly influenced early Christian practices, including those of Jesus and His Apostles.
Watch this video to learn more about the theory of Jesus in India and explore a number of books that explore Jesus’ travels to India and his connection to Eastern religious traditions.